5.6 Matrix

This menu groups operations which operate on matricies. nip2 has four ways of displaying a matrix, but they all behave in the same way under the skin. Almost all the items in the Math menu will work on matricies. Most of the matrix operations will also work on images.

The first four items make matricies which display and edit in various ways useful for different applications. The final two make matricies which are pre-filled with useful numbers.
Convert to Matrix
Try to make anything into a matrix.
This group of items extracts various submatricies. You can also do this graphically: just drag-select an area in matrix.
Insert, Delete,
Also work on images, which can be handy. A 45 degree rotate will only work for square matricies with odd-length sides.
Simple matrix-only maths operations.
Plot Scatter
This takes a two-column matrix where the columns are the X and Y positions of points and draws a scatter graph.